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What If I Can’t Save 10% Of My Income?!!!
Pay yourself first by investing 10% of your income before you spend money on anything else.
This is the standard advice you’ll find in most personal finance books.
And while saving 10% of your income is good advice, it’s not something everyone can always follow. This is especially true for people who have:
- Minimum wage or low-income jobs that fail to keep pace with inflation.
- High-interest debt that needs to be paid down as soon as possible.
- Lumpy “boom and bust” income from sales, freelancing, etc…
In these situations, there are still ways to invest. As Brian Tracy explains in The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires (an excellent book that’s currently free to Audible members):
If you cannot save 10 percent of your income, start today by saving 1 percent of your income in a special savings and investment account. Put it away at the beginning of each month, even before you begin paying down your debts. Live on the other 99 percent of your income. As you become comfortable living on 99 percent, raise your…