Was March 29, 2019 The Most Profitable Day In History?

Dividends Forever
4 min readOct 4, 2021

Secret Colombian drug growers deep in the remote Andes Mountains! Legalized marijuana being cultivated for five cents a gram! Billions of dollars of potential profits!

And a ticking time bomb…

Get in on this “Life-Changing Marijuana Payday” before April 1st, or stay poor forever.

That’s the sales pitch from an old penny stock newsletter I stumbled upon.

This ad ran in spring of 2019, and was promoting a Colombian marijuana grower called PharmaCielo.

As the author explained, PharmaCielo was poised to “Build some of the fastest fortunes in history.” But, you had to buy-in early. “This could go down in modern history as the biggest stock market gain ever seen.”

Here’s how the stock is doing:

Source — Barron’s

Silly newsletters and penny stocks aside, today’s article talks about a very serious issue. And that’s investing in foreign companies.

A lot of investors get very excited about buying into high-growth foreign companies with “unlimited potential,” only to get burned. Even big banks and “Smart-money” are known to fall for…



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