Want To Buy Real Estate? Consider These 3 Alternatives

Dividends Forever
4 min readAug 13, 2022

Everyone wants to own real estate.

This is the most well-known investment, and generally what most people think of when contemplating opportunities for passive income.

It’s also expensive, labor intensive, and confusing.

Because of this, many would-be real estate investors get overwhelmed and never buy property.

Rather than getting trapped in the endless cycle of podcasts and YouTube videos, here are three passive income alternatives to buying real estate. Two of which are as simple as clicking a button.

1. Blogging / YouTube / E-Commerce

No, content creation is not some magic ticket to getting rich quick. And yes, the “make money online” subculture probably has more scammers and misinformation than anywhere else.

However, building an online business costs nothing.

And, the returns are actually comparable to real estate.

Many books and courses about buying real estate will directly state that your properties might cash flow $100 per month in profit during your first year — if you do everything right.

Charts like these (this one is taken from Michael Masterson’s Automatic Wealth) are common.



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