Enjoy Infinite Free Hamburgers With This Weird Trick?

Dividends Forever
2 min readNov 17, 2023

When I was a kid, my Dad remodeled a Burger King. And one of the perks was a special card that let us eat free Whoppers for life at the franchise’s location in Dubuque, Iowa.

But that’s neither here nor there.

Today, we’re talking about an investing strategy that’s been paying me in free hamburgers. Potentially for life!

In Argentina, “Plate of the Day” specials typically cost between 1,600 pesos and 2,000 pesos. Or about $1.60 — $2 USD, at the unofficial $1 USD = 1,000 pesos conversion rate.

You get a hardy meal, breadsticks, and coffee — all for around $2.

Here’s a $1.60 hamburger special I absolutely love:

Now for the interesting part…

Eating a daily lunch special every day in Argentina would only cost you between $625 to $730.

And that’s for an entire year’s worth of lunches!

$14,500 invested into 5% yielding bonds, or dividend stocks, would completely cover your annual lunch expense. Dissected further, that’s about $40 invested each day for one year.

Or, $20 invested every day for two years.

I bring this up, because you could be “Free Hamburgers In Argentina For Life” wealthy within a year or two, if you set your mind to it.

An achievable goal. And a great first step towards financial freedom.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only. It is not financial advice, always do your own research.



Dividends Forever
Dividends Forever

Written by Dividends Forever

Providing you with detailed insights into long-term, buy-and-hold dividend investment opportunities.