3 Super Unique Credit Cards You Might Like…

Dividends Forever
3 min readFeb 14, 2024

Weird, interesting, and off-beat credit cards.

That’s today’s topic.

And no, this isn’t a sales pitch or product recommendation. Instead, today’s article highlights some unique credit cards that are often overshadowed by their mainstream peers.

These are all useful cards that fit an ultra-specific niche, be it saving money on used books or earning 4% cash-back whenever you buy gold bars.

Without further ado, here are the cards…

1. eBay Mastercard (Used Books And Collectables)

eBay is one of the best platforms for buying used books, secondhand jewelry, and collectables.

And in many ways, shopping on eBay is actually better than using Amazon.

On eBay, for example, most booksellers offer free shipping on any order. And, they’ll usually throw-in an extra discount if you buy more than one book. Likewise, you can often find a lot of collectables and vintage luxury goods that would be virtually impossible to source anywhere else.

The eBay Mastercard is a rewards card with no annual fees and, depending on the time of year, a $30 — $50 new cardholder welcome bonus.



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